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                  Kids Quilt! is a project of the non-profit Quilt Alliance. We believe that every quilt is a great quilt–from beginners to experts!

                  GET YOUR KIT

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                  Instructions, helpful hits, links to videos, and more ideas for getting started!

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                  Your quilt is a work of art! We'll share a few ways to customize and design your first quilt.

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                  Watch quilting stories from kids like you, and share your quilt with the world!

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                  There’s no time like the present to get started. If you have a Quilt Alliance Kids Quilt! kit, check out the enhanced instructions for more details and helpful video links.

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                  Here would be a link to the GTI page with vids, QSOS And a link to share your own quilt story.

                  learn more

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                  Puzzles, coloring pages, and more!

                  Why have people been making quilts for centuries? Because they’re fun! Check out this page for quilt activities, trivia, and more.

                  (Keep an eye out–we’ll be adding more soon!)


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                  Quilt Alliance is a nonprofit organization established in 1993 with a mission to document, preserve, and share our quilt heritage.

                  Visit us at 自由之门手机版32


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